May 22, 2009

A tip of the hat

Katy R. and Nisha got the ball rolling today by submitting their blog URLs. (You can find them to the right of this post under the heading "Course blogs"). I'll update the list as new URLs come my way.

Katy coined hers dcnewsie; Nisha opted for News About the News and selected a retro header typeface that brings to mind old newspapers (such as The London Chronicle).

Be sure to check out Nisha's preliminary post. She keys off a Fortune article about Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and poses an interesting question about what his goals could mean for the news industry.

UPDATE, Sunday, 9:09 pm: All blog URLs that have been submitted are now available in the "Course blogs" section to the right of this post.

1 comment:

  1. Good start! I just created mine as well:
    Boxed Media at :
